It's 12:45 pm. Everyone is working around me. Glaring at their computer screens including me. There is the sound of typewriter typing, people talking about meetings, and the noise of printers and other machines.
Some people are preparing for the meeting they have to conduct today, some newbies are nervous about the presentation they have to give. Some people are checking their phones in between and giggling because of the meme exchange taking place. Some are reading about the stock market and shares, depressing numbers with sometimes a spark of hope. No one is talking to anyone unless it's necessary. They don't want to seem "unprofessional".
Everyone is busy with their work. Everyone is trying to give their best. Everyone wants to finish this task as quickly as possible and get to a new one. And then finish that and get done with another one.
I look up from my computer screen and there is a window in front of my desk. I open the window and see a tree, few meters away from me. How come I didn't notice it before? I wonder. I see there are two squirrels, searching for food and running up and down the tree bark swiftly as if they are racing with the wind. I enjoy watching those two little tiny creatures gathering food and running wherever they think is safe.
I also hear the birds chirping. Which bird is this? I don't know. Never heard this voice before.
But this voice! This voice is something I would love to listen to while meditating, this voice is something that would transport me to my childhood, this voice is so soothing that I imagine myself in a meadow, with flowers and greenery around me. The sweet smell of earth, grass under my feet.
"Vrunda! Did you receive my mail? We need to discuss this folder!" My colleague drags me out of my imagination into the "real" world.
"Do you hear the birds?" I ask.
"What? No birds, take a look at this."
I don't know if anyone hears the birds nowadays. Even if they can see I don't know how many of them would actually notice the beauty of nature in their day-to-day life.
We are so constantly busy going from one thing to the next. Take a moment to realize what you have just completed. Take a moment to feel the joy of getting a project done! Don't just be on autopilot while doing things. Feel the moments passing by. Things are changing around you, you are changing. Notice the goodness around you.

About the Author

Vrunda Chauk is passionate about Positive Psychology. She is studying Positive Psychology at the International Institute of Positive Psychology (IIPP). She loves presenting Positive Psychology concepts in an interesting and fun way and is allergic to boredom. She likes to present research in a way people can understand and relate to. She feels productive when she creates something wonderful and loves to apply positive psychology principles at workplaces and help them achieve wellbeing and thrive.